Asher had a wonderful Christmas, he had no idea it was Christmas, but I still think he had some fun. He was a little more into opening the presents, he actually tried to tear off some of the wrapping paper. Actually he was only interested in trying to open the first present, the other two he never really noticed.
Asher got three gifts this year, but he has only gotten to play with one so far. The other two are staying in their packaging until we get to Bangkok (in 34 days). We got out his new truck for him to play with and he loved it.
He spent most of the day driving his truck around the house saying "car" and making lots of car noises.
His other two gifts were some wooden blocks and a bead roller coaster. Thank you IKEA, I did all of Asher's Christmas shopping in about 5 minutes.
Of course one of the best parts of Christmas was getting to see Mimi and Uncle Mel. They came to Vancouver for a week to see Asher before we move to Bangkok.