07 September 2010

What a Poser and Updates

I've been trying to interest Asher is something other than playing cars, watching Cars (the movie), going outside to wash our car, going to the mall to ride in the cars or going for a ride in a car. My latest venture is the world of coloring. Of course in order to interest him I did get a Cars coloring book. Oh well, he's a boy and his life revolves around transportation.

I grabbed the camera while he was coloring the other day and tried to capture a few candid shots of the young artist at work.

I only got one shot before he started posing for me. Where did he learn to do that?!?!?

Asher's favorite part of coloring is dumping all of the crayons on the floor....

...so he can pick them up again. What a funny kid!

In other Asher news....

He has now started saying little two word sentences although they are pretty funny and mostly involve discussing his cars. Current favorites are:
Pool Quack - The ducks are in a pool.
Light Car, Light Truck, Light Taxi - Referring to headlights. I love that he's evidently picked up a bit of Thai grammar and puts the adjective before the noun.

We spent most of the morning at the hospital today because Asher has been sick for the past few days. Turns out he has RSV. He had a blast playing at the indoor playground while we waited to see the doctor and he had all of the nurses singing to him during his nebulizer treatment. I was letting him watching the Chaang (elephant) song on my phone and when they realized he was watching a Thai video they all started singing the song to him. I really like our doctor here in Bangkok, in fact he may be one of my favorite pediatricians that Asher has had (I think we've had 4 so far, one in each country).

In non-Asher news:
Roger and I recently did our first language evaluation and both received excellent scores. Our supervisor thinks that Roger can be done with full-time language study in the next two months. This might not sound like a big deal, but this means Roger will complete this part of his studying in only 9 or 10 months. They expect most people to reach this level in 18 months. Way to go! I'm just a little ways behind Roger and have a glimmer of hope that I may finish before the baby arrives.

1 comment:

Anthony and Sharon said...

We watch for any and all street lights..."It's green...red...yellow.." etc... :)

And way to go on language! That is muy impresif!