13 December 2010

Christmas at our House

This year we are back to starting over in our Christmas decorating. After spending a Christmas in Surabaya (and leaving our stuff there), spending a Christmas in Kentucky (and using Mimi's stuff) and spending a Christmas in Vancouver (and leaving our stuff there) we are finally thinking we might get to use our Christmas decorations more than once. And of course even with this knowledge I still don't want to go out and buy a ton of stuff. I'm hoping for some after Christmas sales, but I have no idea if they exist in Thailand.

We pretty much kept it basic this year, just the few things we carry from place to place, especially since we are expecting Baby Jack to join us during the Christmas season. I don't want too much extra stuff to deal with while adjusting to having a newborn.

We are now proud owners of a fake Christmas tree. When we are in the States we love to have a real one, but this one works quite well for us...and we will get to use it next year, too! So far we just have our special ornaments on the tree because they are the only ones we bring from place to place when we move. I want to try to buy just a few plain ornaments this year to fill in the tree and slowly add more in the future.

Our nativity set is still intact and is back in the country it came from. We put it up high so everyone can see it (a great conversation starter when our Thai friends come over). I printed out our Christmas picture from last year and even had a wonderful red frame just sitting around.

Asher's nativity set. I was going to set it all up nice for a picture, but I thought it would be fun to share how it usually looks. All of the pieces are going "night night" because they are laying down. As soon as I pick them up he comes over and carefully lays them all down so they can sleep.

My after Christmas (Boxing Day in Canada) find of the year last year. It's an advent calendar. We aren't doing anything with it this year, but I can't wait for when the boys are older and we can use it to count down to Christmas.

This year it's in our living room, but I think in the future I will put it in the boy's room.

All of our stockings, minus the one that is in transit from the States. Hopefully it will be here soon and we can add it to the wall.

Asher's favorite ornament is the tuk-tuk. We put one down low on the tree so he can play with it.

My favorite new decoration this year are these little wooden stars that we strung on the tree. We found them in Vancouver at a store called 10,000 Villages. They came with a little card telling about the women in Bangladesh that made them.

The rest of our house is not really any different at Christmas time. Maybe after we have been here for a few years that will change, but for now we are just happy to sit in the living room and look at the Christmas lights.


Brittney said...

Your decorations are awesome!! All very personal and festive :) What's Christmas like there? Do people celebrate it? I have no clue. Where did you get your advent calendar. I LOVE IT!

roger and courtney said...

I got the calendar at Pottery Barn Kids last year.
Christmas here is all about shopping. It's actually not an officially recognized holiday. I will try to get some pictures of all the decorations around the city.

*Kelly* said...

Great advent calender!! My daughters best pal in pre-k and K-garten is Asher. Such a fun name.